Sunday, November 22, 2009

Coming back

Dear friends,

First of all, I'm sorry. I've been away several months, because of my job and because the new season 2009 -2010 of lectures about chilean history and politics started on september. So, I had a lot of work and besides that, last friday I had a little accident: I fell on the street, inches away from my office and i now i had a little fracture on my ankle... so now I have this plaster for 15 days.

It's not that bad. I think this is a little vacation for me (I was exhausted), and also now I' ve got the chance to write again in this blog.

So, my friends... what's new? Well, let's talk a little bit about current politics. We have the next presidential election on december 13th, and there are four candidates runing for president.

  • Jorge Arrate, from the left coalition "Juntos Podemos" ("Together we can") that involves Communist Party and other smaller parties.
  • Marco Enríquez Ominami, independent from the center-left, former socialist and the son of a very important figure in the armed struggle (from the MIR, or Revolutionary Movement from the Left) against Pinochet's Dictatorship in the '70's: Miguel Enríquez, murdered by Pinochet's political police. Now Marco defends market economy and liberal reforms related to social and cultural matters.
  • Eduardo Frei, former president of Chile (1994-2000) and the candidate of the current government coalition. Christian Democrat.
  • Sebastian Piñera, a very important bussiness man from the center-right. This is the second time that he runs as a presidential candidate (last time was on 2005)
What about the last surveys? Piñera is leading all the surveys, so -at least until today- he'll probably be the next president of Chile, the first democratically elected president from a right wing coalition in 50 years... what do you think about this? Let me know!